Friday, October 23, 2020

Waters Roaring

"Be still. Be still, oh my heart. Be quiet, oh my soul. 'Though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling' (Psalm 46:2-3), be still. Though life seems like a jumbled mess of responsibilities and things to do- choices to be made, be still. Be still, oh my mind, where hundreds of thoughts race, distracting."

I was cleaning out my room and going through old journals when I found that. That was from 2015. It seems an eternity ago, but it also seems like I could have written it yesterday. Can we all agree this year has been a real jumbled mess? I feel in my own life like that verse is playing out- seas raging and mountains crashing. Lately, there has been a lot going on in my life personally and with family, and some days I feel it will overwhelm me. But then I remember to breathe. I breathe and things slow. I force my mind to still, and I remember the love that overflows in my life. I remember to be grateful that I have had the most beautiful moments with my family in this last month; moments I wouldn't have had if life hadn't been stormy.

Life is still a mess and is crazy. And I still wish at times that it wouldn't have to be painful because that would be easier. But as someone told me, if it's easy, it might not be worth having. In times of waters roaring, we can be still, knowing better days will come eventually. And the stormy days will make the sunny ones all the brighter.