Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Good Old Days

I've been obsessed lately with the song, "Good Old Days." I think it's because I love the premise of not letting life slip you by. One day soon, you won't be where you are right now. You might be in an amazing spot, but it still will be different. "Someday, these will be the good old days." Someday, you'll look back at all of this. Will you smile? Will you laugh at your adventures? Will you wish for more?

Another line of the songs goes, "All the love you won't forget," and I want that to be true in my life. I want to be able to look back someday and see as much time as possible with my loved ones. Because I won't remember what was on this test, and I won't remember the class gossip that seemed so important at the time. I'll remember laughing with my friends as we eat outside, and I'll remember having a game night with my family. I won't forget the love, because that's the only thing in life that matters, period.

"You don't know what you've got, 'til it goes. 'Til it's gone." Don't wait for the point when you look back at life to appreciate everything you have, Start realizing what you have, right now. Appreciate the love in your life. Smile as wide as you can. Laugh unrestrainedly. Live in these good old days.