Saturday, February 2, 2019

On You

"This is on you." Not a very cheery pep talk, is it? But it's what I need to tell myself right now. I made it to semester 4 in medical school. It's been hard, and I have had to push myself to get here. But now, this will be the hardest semester yet, and I  haven't been feeling ready for it. It's the first week, and I'm already tired of studying. I know, sad. I tell myself I can make up for it later. But now that excuse doesn't hold up. There won't be any more semesters, and I won't have any more time to prepare for Step. This is it. And it's all on me.

I know I'm guilty of this, and maybe you can relate, but it's so much easier to put the pressure on to someone else. Isn't it? That way, if I don't succeed, it wasn't my fault. But that's baloney, and we all know it. Getting to your dreams? Reaching your goals? That is on you. It's not always a fun truth, but it is the truth. It is on you to put in the time and the work, and what you get in the end will be a very good reflection of how much you cared. So, do I care? Am I willing to put forth the effort?

Hell. Yes.

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