Friday, October 3, 2014

Be Strong and Courageous

I don't know about you or where you might be in life, but I know I've been pretty freaked out lately thinking of the future. The "real" world is coming up so quickly, and that's scary. I still feel like a little girl in many ways, and it's hard to think I'll have to be out there figuring out my life soon.

For several years now, I've felt God calling me into medicine, and I believe that's where my heart is, but isn't it funny how quickly and easily our hearts fail us in the face of fear and uncertainty? I know that's what I should do, and I think it's what I want to do as well. However, there are a lot of pieces to that puzzle that I can't see, and I like to see the picture on the box cover when I put a puzzle together.

It's a long journey, and it will be emotionally draining and heart breaking, and that scares me. Will I be able to do it? Will I be able to do it well? Yes and no. I won't be able to do it, but God will. If He has called you to it, He will bring you through it. Don't be scared and don't worry that you won't be able to endure. Wherever or whatever God is calling you to, He will equip you perfectly and completely for it, even if it takes some time.

Ultimately, while we may not know what or when or where we should go, the one known is that we should go. So what do we do when we know we're called but are scared to take that first step on what seems to be a hidden path? "Be strong and courageous." While we may not know the big picture, God does.  It isn't very important if we know all the right things to do or say, or even if we make a few wrong turns along the way, but it is important to at least start moving. He'll walk each and every step with you.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
       -Joshua 1:9

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